How to Use Video to Market Your Restaurant

Video is an important tool for all kinds of digital marketing campaigns. It has been the staple of marketing throughout the 20th century to date. It’s all around us from Facebook Live and YouTube to Tik Tok and Snapchat.

With one photo or tweet, any business could get instant visibility with millions of views and impressions. And in New York, where competition is fierce, going viral would be godsend.

In New York, one of the most competitive industries is the restaurant business. Almost every type of food can be found in New York. 

The only way to stand out is to use video and social media.

Why video marketing works

Our everyday life is unknowingly driven by video, it’s simply everywhere. Recent Diode Digital findings have vouched for the effectiveness of video as a marketing strategy. Compared to basic mail and print alternatives, video ads tend to be six times more effective.

Statistics indicate that close to 80 million people watch videos in the US daily! It is also estimated that, soon, this form of content will claim 80% of all internet traffic. For restaurants and physical stores specifically, the benefits of video marketing are priceless. 

5 in every 10 people who look up a physical store say that video proves decisive of a visit. A further 80% say video dictates where they choose to eat out.

If you’re not tapping into the power of video marketing for your restaurant, there’s no better time to get going than the present. 

Here’s how to market your restaurant with video 

Head chef or owner narrates his food philosophy

The chef is one of the most important people in any restaurant. Although, they are often restricted to behind-the-scenes appearances, making them the star of a video marketing campaign is an excellent idea. People love to know who’s behind the food they love so much.

Here’s Gordon Ramsay’s philosophy on restaurants:

The talented hands behind that chicken taco they can’t get enough of. The genius behind that delicious burrito! 

The chef is the engine that runs the restaurant. He is the most important person in the hierarchy right below the owner.

A video interview with the chef speaks volumes about the establishment and the caliber of food to expect. This interaction should include a breakdown of the chef’s philosophy. What guides his choice of ingredients or thinking process. 

Whether there are stories behind the meals he/she prepares. People love a good origin story to a meal. You can even make something simple up to spruce up the dish. By getting to know your chef better, customers develop an intimate relationship with the place even before visiting. 

It already feels like home, and it seems like they’ve been dining there a long time already.

In today’s digital world, it’s imperative to put a face and voice to your business. Especially in New York, hungry customers have many options to choose from. It’s important to stand out and tell your story with the right video.

Here’s me talking about the importance of using video for any business:

See how I integrate shots from previous work I’ve done? You’ll need the same shots for your restaurant.

Some behind-the-scenes shots of ongoings in the kitchen can also work wonders for your video marketing campaign. Showing how the food is prepared and served can inspire confidence and trust. It shows you have nothing to hide, that the kitchen is clean. That the staff observes hygiene and safety measures while handling food. 

B-Roll shots of interior and food

A B-Roll is a video that compliments the A-Roll. The latter is the main video that drives the narrative such as an interview by the head chef. The B-Roll complements and spices up this conversation by showing what the interviewee is talking about. 

Here’s a well done video lobster and steak in Las Vegas. You could almost smell the sizzle on the grill:

See how the videographer films various shots of the food, the cook, the prep and the crowd in the background. In a short video, you can already feel and smell of steak and lobster, filling the halls of that restaurant.

Steps to use b-roll for your restaurant video

Let’s use pizza 🍕 making as an example. 

If the chef is discussing what it takes to create a killer pizza, the actual conversation would be the A-Roll. That would entail the chef talking directly into the camera without any other visual interruptions. A B-roll would be the accompanying video that takes the audience through that cooking journey while the narration goes on over it.

Close-up shots of food serve as excellent B-Roll material. A high definition showing of ingredients and color evokes the imagination of the viewer. 

Have you ever wondered why you suddenly felt thirsty after watching a soft drink advert where someone is sipping at the bottle? 

Video is a powerful way to deliver emotional marketing that inspires desire on the other end of the camera. Showing a range of food is sure to get people interested in what you have to offer.

B-Rolls and 360-degree shots are an excellent strategy to capture not only the food but the ambiance as well. Interior design has a huge say in customer satisfaction. You need to have some good interior work in place before you can put it on video. Interior video shots allow the audience to picture themselves in the restaurants having a meal. 

A 360-degree angle replicates what a real-life experience would be like. It shows the décor and other objects of interest in three dimensions. 

Testimonial videos are a powerful tactic

Research shows testimonial videos are 90% effective. Testimonials tell the story from the most believable side: the customer’s perspective. People typically tend to be more trusting of what clients have to say than the restaurant itself. 

The latter may come off as biased for obvious reasons. A third-party opinion is usually viewed as honest and genuine, even if it’s from a stranger the viewer knows nothing about. It’s an excellent way to cement and round off your video marketing experience. 

Good testimonials sum up what the audience has learned so far, and nudges them over the fence with past experiences.

You probably have a few regulars who are in love with the place. These customers make for great testimonials, if they’d be interested that is, and chances are that they will. Your regular customers keep coming back because they like the restaurant for some reason. They’ll be eager to share that with friends, families, and even strangers online. It’d be unwise to involve a script when shooting testimonials. 

Let the interviewee speak from the heart about what they like about the place. Natural responses give a feel of authenticity, believability, and credibility. However, it’s prudent to give interviewees a heads up to avoid a deer caught in headlights scenario. 

Simply tell them what you’re generally going to be talking about rather than specific questions. That way, they too won’t script their responses.

Video testimonials are easily shareable and increase referrals. It is the ultimate sign of trust and goes a long way to show how much your value the people who walk through that door. 

Consequently, customers who feel valued need little incentive to talk you up to their social networks and even open new doors for your restaurant. 

Stand out from the crowd

As mentioned before, the restaurant business is a crowded field. Since my production company is from New York, I know this to be true in New York. But it also applies to many cities around the world.

Before the Internet, restaurants relied on word of mouth or reviews from prominent newspapers for publicity. But that’s no longer necessary.

The Internet is the equalizer, meaning anyone with the right knowledge of video marketing can promote their restaurant and be successful.

Almost every person on the planet owns a smartphone. Moreover, almost every person watches videos on their phone every day. It’s this very reason why your restaurant should be leveraging video for advertising.

When you’re ready to launch your video campaign, CONTACT US for your video needs! Protection Status