Video marketing is an excellent strategy to attract more attention and outflank your alternatives. If your business is not getting enough traffic, video can bolster your reach. It bodes well for your search engine optimization efforts, which means how visible you are to search engines.
Give that over 90% of online experiences trace back to a search engine, a higher ranking should be a priority. And video can do that for you in an organic fashion. It can improve your SERP (search engine results page) rank in several ways.
First, statistics indicate your website benefits by a 157% increase in terms of click-through rates. People tend to prefer visual answers to solutions they look up online. What’s more, you’ll increase the amount of time visitors spend on your website, which also has a huge say in your SERP standings.
Algorithms associate quality with the amount of time people spend on your website, which is a reflection of how useful the content is. Moreover, high-quality content increases backlink probability.
Video also allows you to give your veterinary practice that personal touch that words can’t quite capture. This form of content is also more memorable and allows your business to build a loveable personality and relationship with your customers.
Perhaps most importantly, video is easily the most shareable type of content on the planet. It’s an excellent strategy to get the word out on those awesome, one-of-a-kind services you offer.
In any business, there are always alternatives.
Why would a client opt for your veterinary service over another? Video offers an opportunity to set yourself apart from the rest and show us that something extraordinary. Use video to tell your story and give a friendly face to your business so strangers feel right at home.
Listen to my story behind my video production company:
Your introduction video should cover some important details about your veterinary practice. That includes your brand, expertise, experience, how you got started, and why you love what you do. Perhaps, tell us a little more about your qualifications, and those of your staff as well. Pet owners would, first and foremost, want to know they’re leaving their pets in capable hands.
On to the most important part: how to make yourself unique. Think of businesses like people. Every person is different. Some are funny and charming, easy to be around. Others not so much. Mold your business into an inviting and bubbly personality that people would want to be around. Let your lighthearted side come out to play.
Show those pet bloopers of furry visitors eager to be part of the action at the most inconvenient times. Let the audience know that pets feel welcomed and that they love it there.
You’ll easily get views on your pet videos. As I’ve mentioned in this pet filmmaking guide, no one can resist a cute cat or dog video.
A veterinary practice is not like any other business. It’s built fundamentally on trust. Your introduction video should make pet owners feel that they can trust you. Maybe show us you have the pets’ best interests at heart because you too are a pet owner. Maybe you can as well in the search for a veterinary service that has your pet’s best interest at heart.
When pet owners look up veterinary services, at the top of their mind, they’re thinking can you really help? Testimonial videos are a great demonstration of how you are the right man for the job. Create before and after stories of pets you’ve helped so far.
Show the problem and how it caused discomfort for the animal. Afterward, show how the pets and owners were better after your service.
Emotional marketing is the most powerful kind. Testimonial videos allow you to tap into a wide range of emotions to create trust for the practice.
What’s more, these videos, covering your biggest fans, offer an outsider’s perspective of what you have to offer. They may be just what swings unsure customers to your side of the fence. Clients have nothing to gain from saying good things about your business.
So when they do say something good, they tend to be more believable. As the business owner, your words may not be as powerful or convincing.
Testimonial videos can also establish some good aspects of your business. Your four-legged regulars keep coming back for a reason. Maybe the owners love the place because of the personal attention you offer. Maybe you provide quality services at unbeatable prices.
Maybe you go above and beyond for both pet and owner satisfaction. Testimonial videos sell your business in a not-so-obvious way.
An A-roll video shows the subject naturally talking about a concept with no visual illustrations. On the other hand, a B-roll is the finished product that focuses on what’s being talked about rather than the person doing the talk. A B-roll video of the office is a nice strategy to offer a personal tour of the office for first-timers. Show clients the inside, what happens on the daily, and that friendly atmosphere that they can look forward to when they visit.
Preferably, make the video during business hours so the audience gets a glimpse of the experts doing their thing.
When new clients can virtually walk through the office, they already feel like you have nothing to hide and that they can trust you. Everyone gets nervous visiting a new place for the first place. Creating familiarity with the office makes people more comfortable.
If you have a couple of awards on the walls you’d like to show off, a casual background shot of the accolade during transition shots is a nice and subtle way to do it.
The B-roll should cover important parts of your veterinary clinic. Show clients the waiting room or area, and how you’ve made arrangements to make them comfortable as they wait. Maybe you have a playpen where animals can be themselves as they wait their turn too.
Perhaps show the audience the delightful accommodation you’ve put in place for inpatients. Generally, a clean and organized office tour speaks volumes about the kind of care pet parents can expect from your business.
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